Your contributions make our community a better place. A little goes a long way and with your donation and our buying power, we can help more people in the Juneau area.
Below is a list of items we need all the time:
- Tuna Fish
- Chili
- Mac & Cheese
- Top Ramen
- Generic Cereal
- Soups
- Canned Corn
- Canned Peas
- Canned Chicken
- Mixed Vegetables
- Pastas
- Noodles
- Diced Tomatos
- Tomato Sauce
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Canned Fruits
- Peanut Butter
- Jelly
Juneau’s friendly IGA stores make it easy to donate food to the SEAFB with $10 bags of pre-filled canned and dry goods!

Monetary donations also go along way — we have a lot of buying power! Once you have submitted the info below, the page will reload and you can make your donation via your debit or credit card using the Donate button.
If you would like to give money via check, please make it out to South East Alaska Food Bank and send to:
South East Alaska Food Bank
PO Box 33681
Juneau, Alaska 99803-3681